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Wedding and special event photographers trust Diversified Lab with their cherished photos, because we produce wedding products with the same care that photographers take to shoot these special days. We’ve been servicing wedding photographers across the United States and our experience and knowledge of this business allows us to satisfy the most demanding needs and customers.

We understand the need for high quality, low cost proofs that need to be produced in very fast turnaround times. We offer proof books that can be customized and the stunning Gemstone flush mount album that can be uniquely designed to appropriately show off the photographer’s work. Diversified Lab also offers greeting cards, thank you cards and a variety of other products to commemorate the big event.

Submit special event and wedding orders with ease using our Digital Link (ROES) Software that allows photographers to easily and efficiently place orders, create products, and layout and design albums.

Diversified Lab is committed to being a leader and trusted partner to special event and wedding photographers, now and in the future.

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